Implementing The 5S To Organize The Work Environment And Eliminate Waste Course

Implementing The 5S To Organize The Work Environment And Eliminate Waste Course




    The importance of training courses is not only limited to professional life, as most of us think but training courses aim to transfer knowledge and practical experiences that enrich the skills of individuals and enhance their self-confidence, which contributes to the preparation of cadres which in turn contributes to the development and progress of institutions. Therefore, Strategic Vision Training Center aims to enhance the skills and experiences of individuals through the strongest training programs to keep pace with every development in the labor market.


  • Identify the concept of waste, its types and sources.
  • Familiarity with the concept of the 5S.
  • Understand and assimilate the 5S philosophy.
  • Learn about the benefits of applying the Five Ds 5S.
  • The stages and steps of implementing the Five Ds 5S.
  • Verify the application of the Five Ds and review the effectiveness of the application.
  • Content of the training program

Who should attend?

Senior administrative staff, office managers, executive assistants, and administrative staff supervisors who already possess basic management skills and are seeking to move to a higher rank in their careers.

Course content:

  • Chapter One: The concept of waste and its sources:
    • The concept of waste.
    • The three types of wastage 3Mus.
    • The Seven/Eight Sources of Waste 7Wastes/8Wastes.
    • The hidden factory concept.
    • Eliminate waste by using the Five Ds 5S.
  • Chapter Two: The Concept and Origin of the Five Ta's 5S:
    • The emergence and emergence of the Five T's 5s.
    • The concept of the Five Ds 5s.
    • The concept of the Six Ds 6s.
    • Characteristics and attributes of the five Ds 5s.
  • Chapter Three: The Purpose of Applying the 5S:
    • The Five Cs and Visual Management.
    • The Five Ds 5S Cycle.
    • Aim and purpose of the Five Ds 5s.
    • The benefits of applying the Five Ds 5S.
    • The Five Ds 5S philosophy.
  • Chapter Four: Application of the Five Fives:
    • Steps to implement the Five Ds 5S.
    • Tips and guidelines for the effective application of the Five Ds 5S.
    • The Five Ds 5s checklist..

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