Advanced Concepts Of Total Quality In Office Management And Executive Secretarial Course

Advanced Concepts Of Total Quality In Office Management And Executive Secretarial Course




Days 5




    The importance of training courses is not only limited to professional life, as most of us think but training courses aim to transfer knowledge and practical experiences that enrich the skills of individuals and enhance their self-confidence, which contributes to the preparation of cadres which in turn contributes to the development and progress of institutions. Therefore, Strategic Vision Training Center aims to enhance the skills and experiences of individuals through the strongest training programs to keep pace with every development in the labor market.


  • Definition of total quality.

  • Learn about the concept of total quality management and its benefits.

  • Learn how to develop an integrated plan for total quality management in the organization or institution.

  • Developing the trainees' skills on the application of total quality management in office management and executive secretariat.

  • Learn about the techniques and tools of total quality management.

  • Identify the necessary methods to be followed for the transition of office management and secretarial in organizations and institutions to a culture of total quality and excellence.

Who should attend?

All secretarial and executive secretarial employees and administrative leaders at their various levels and in all public and private sector institutions.

Course content:

The concept of total quality management in office management and executive secretariat:

  • Effective management of future offices.

  • Continuous guidance and guidance for the implementation of the various systems and policies set by the administration.

  • Determining the main needs included in the activities of the office administration.

  • Permanent monitoring to ensure the progress of things and address the obstacles in the shortest possible period.

  • Factors that help in activating office management, such as training and other incentives.

  • Self-development, self-evaluation, detection and identification of strengths and weaknesses.

  • Planning, organizing, prioritizing for better management.

The application of total quality management in office management and executive secretariat

  • Time management and planning of meetings.

  • Modern Communications Department and its most important programs.

  • Presentation and presentation skills.

  • Security and confidentiality of documents.

  • Communication skills and conference management.

  • Modern techniques in office management.

  • Electronic office: mail, files and electronic archive.

  • Rehabilitation and development necessary for the secretariat and offices of the future

  • Techniques used in total quality management

  • Work on the success of total quality management

  •  Total Quality Management Standards and Certifications

Executive secretarial and office management

  • The office administrative process.

  • The tasks, responsibilities and characteristics of the office manager, the administrative assistant and the executive secretary.

  • Communication Skills .

  • Time management and prioritization

  • Organizing meetings and organizing travels.

  • Dealing with phone calls, and with visitors.

  • The physical environment in the modern office.

  • Correspondence, reports and internal notes.

  • Office equipment and techniques.

  • Manuals of work and office procedures.

Modern secretarial skills

  • The role of the administrative assistant in the facility, and the characteristics of the administrative assistant.

  • Communication skills in secretarial offices

  • Preparing the agenda and minutes of the meeting, and organizing travel

  • Organizing office work: appointments, time, prioritizing work

  • Dealing with others, and the pressures of working in secretarial offices

  • Simplification of office work procedures, and effective use of the telephone.

  • Electronic secretariat.

  • The use of hardware, software and modern office tools.

Training methods:

  • Case studies and practical exercises

  • Role-playing

  • Work simulation exercises

  • Related videos

  • Visual display

  • Group workshops

  • Guidance

Preparing the training bag

  • At Strategic Vision Training Center, we are always keen on providing the best standards for the training content we offer

  • Each program and training bag should include several axes:

           Analysis - Design - Development - Implementation – Evaluation

  • In addition to, specialized team in designing training materials with the best quality standards which is appropriate to the needs and variables of training

Preparation of the training environment

One of our top priorities

  • Choosing a training site, which is easy to be accessed by the trainees and that the training halls are suitable for the training program in terms of quality and luxury standards that we are keen on

The following factors are taken into consideration when choosing a training hall:

  •  General atmosphere (space - system - ventilation)

  •  Equipment of the hall (a place for rest periods - the quality of the offered food and beverage)

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