Preparing Budgets, Implementing and Evaluating Projects in the B.O.T . System Course

Preparing Budgets, Implementing and Evaluating Projects in the B.O.T . System Course




    The importance of training courses is not only limited to professional life, as most of us think but training courses aim to transfer knowledge and practical experiences that enrich the skills of individuals and enhance their self-confidence, which contributes to the preparation of cadres which in turn contributes to the development and progress of institutions. Therefore, Strategic Vision Training Center aims to enhance the skills and experiences of individuals through the strongest training programs to keep pace with every development in the labor market


  • Learn about the basic concepts of privatization and its various methods
  • Identifying the infrastructure challenge in the developing countries
  • Learn about the bot system, its elements and forms
  • Identify the basic features of BOT projects and institutions working in this field
  • Identifying the elements of feasibility studies for BOT projects
  • Identifying mechanisms for implementing BOT projects
  • Identifying methods for evaluating BOT projects

Who should attend?

  • Government officials involved in planning and financing
  • Representatives of private companies
  • Bank representatives
  • Representatives of financing companies
  • Investors
  • Project Managers
  • Investment Managers


Course content:

Privatization and B.O.T

  • Challenges facing the country's economies in light of globalization
  • Basic concepts of privatization
  • Privatization decision, made and implemented
  • Privatization Methods

Sharing public ownership with the private sector

  • Infrastructure Challenge
  • Difficulties in activating the government's role in building infrastructure

BOT system: son... work... transfer ownership

  • Elements of the BOOT system
  • Forms of the BOOT system
  • History of the BOOT system
  • The first BOT project in modern history is: Suez Canal

Basic Features of BOT. Projects

  • Institutions operating in the BOT. system
  • Where is the BOT. market?
  • Feasibility studies for BOT. projects
  • Who prepares the feasibility studies?
  • Elements of feasibility studies for BOT projects
  • Financing BOT Projects:
  1. External sources of financing
  2. Internal funding sources

Implementation of BOT projects

  • The different roles/obligations of the host government and the implementing financial union for BOT projects
  • Preparing budgets for BOT projects
  • BOT project management:
  1. Methods for scheduling project activities
  2. Resource management, cost monitoring and control

Evaluation of BOT projects

  •  Who does the evaluation process? And when is the evaluation done?
  •  Various evaluation methods